Thursday, March 25, 2010

Telangana Movement

The demand for separate Telangana is based on two arguments presented
by pro-telangana activists. 

1) The struggle for a separate state has being going on for past 50
years, from the time the first SRC was constituted in 1956 under the
chairmanship of Fazl Ali. Andhra pradesh was united forcefully with
Telangana on a condition that it can get separated whenever there is a
requirement. Therefore the struggle is genuine.

2) There has being a complete neglect of the Telangana region by the
various Govts. leading to the present situation of backwardness in the
region. Therefore the solution lies in the separation of the region
from the Andhra region.

Now though the first SRC speaks of conditional unification, over the
period of time, Andhra pradesh as a state has developed into one of
the most advanced states of India. The struggle for separation may be
50 years old, but it has being promoted by the fuedal lords of the
region who have exploited the people of telangana all these years. The
Govt. is also to be blamed for it has on its part neglected the
region's development by not implementing GO610 which addresses the
issue of employment for people in that region.

Therefore if the politicians, who are demanding separate Telangana,
would have done the same struggle for the development  of the region
by fighting for more funds or asking for democratic decentralisation,
then the motive would be considered as genuine. But the present
struggle for separation of state only exposes the narrow self
interests of a few politicians and feudal lords.

Why decentralisation is more effective than separation? (look into my
previous post)

After the WW2, the world leaders realised the extent of destruction a
war can inflict upon the nations and decided not fight again amongst
themselves. They rather preferred peaceful arbitration of
international disputes. It was in the year 1945, when United Nations
came into existence on Oct 24. Today almost all the nations are
members of the UN. The main objective of UN was promoting peace and
harmony among the nations.

In the year era of cold war, it was Jawaharlal Nehru who proposed Non
Alignment Movement (NAM) which came into existence in the year 1961.
Its main objective was to stay away from the power blocs and support
development of various NAM members.

From then onwards India has being steering various regional
cooperation groups like SAARC, ASEAN which aim at regional cooperation
among various members in the areas like Economic, Strategic,
Educational, Cultural,  Technological development. Thus the world has
realised the importance of 'Unity' in promoting regional development.
The classic example of European Union says it all. Same is being
planned now in the Asia.

Thus I would like to conclude by asking only
one question,
How can a country like India have two conflicting and contradicting
Domestic and Foreign policies?
Domestic policy - Favouring separation of Andhra pradesh and Telangana
for development.
Foreign Policy - Favouring regional cooperation for development.

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