Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Great Indian Thaali

Hungry kya? 
Try the new Great Indian Thaali...its full of spicy and delicious recipes...recommended for foreign tourists...Indians can also relish it.
There are no starters, main courses or desserts. All are main courses...very heavy Thaali.

Can anybody stay in India without playing this game? This is the biggest Indian entertainer...not to forget IPL 3... doesnt matter even if the players and sponsors are minting money at our cost, skewing the already imbalanced economic growth. All we want is enjoyment.The day & night ODIs consume so much power that the poor bear the brunt of it through unending power cuts. Sports in India means only cricket...kudos to Saina, Rajpal, Leander and few others who are trying to bring some change in the attitudes.

Another big entertainer. We seem to be lost in that Utopian world of SRK and other big khans that we forget to recognize the real talent of Indian cinema...Heard of ANTAHEEN, FIRAAQ ??? how could u? These movies won the recent National Awards. But these r movies which r based on our social fabric.

India is known for its religions. We are ready to die for our religion today. It has made its way into politics also. We are secular just for namesake, but are completely governed by our stupid religious practices. Anti Sikh riots, Mumbai Hindu Muslim riots, Godhra riots, Demolition of Babri Masjid...the list goes on...and the best part of it is that the culprits are our rulers today.

Reservations are the only criteria to live in India. If u r not reserved please get urself listed otherwise u stand no chance of survival in this country. In the name of caste we are again minting money leaving behind those unprivileged and poor sections of the society in the same position as they were before independence. Mayawati sees no harm in flaunting her wealth in the public when U.P ranks almost last in all Human Development Indices.

This is one aspect of our country which we are very fond of. Go anywhere and u will get the best of the food of that region. No complaints at all. But then why the inflation is soaring high at 18.7% for the primary food articles? The rich and middle class have managed to overcome the inflationary trends but the BPL have lost the race.The PDS system has failed to deliver the goods.

Welcome to India...How can we forget something which is so dear to all of us...from a small child to an old man everyone knows about it. Again no one does anything about it. Its in our blood to bribe and get bribed. No more comments.

Abroad craze:
From the moment we are born, our parents will be itching to make us study in some IITs and IIMs...send us to U.S or AUS or some godforsaken country for further studies. There we are ready to even wash plates and fill petrol tanks to sustain ourselves. Ask us to do the same here in India… What an insult!!! If by chance we want to return to India, we would be given a heroic welcome and would be christened as ‘Foreign Returned’.

A muddy and dirty field… that’s what it is called. It is the best pass time for all Indians. We watch news whole day along with the Breaking News, which no longer remains as one after multiple scrolling, but its all just a tea time break. We forget about it till the next break.
Who would want to join politics to change the whole game?

Eradicating it would mean no jobs for NGOs, no Ministry for rural development, no World Bank funds, no Oscar winning movies and no vote banks. So stop eradicating poverty.

Well the Thaali is full…and so is my stomach. Nice food for thought. Meet u all later. Thank you.


  1. My stomach too ... good one shashank :)

  2. hi shanky,
    Lets discuss Mahatma.

    First, every man has some shortcomings and it is unreasonable to him do overcome all of them. He can only attempt to do so with atmost of his capacity because nobody can predict the when tides of time will change and when temptations will overcome us. Example Parikshit of mahabharata.

    Second, We judge the leaders with entire history in front of us. we can analyse the results of their actions and point out the mistakes. but the a leader has only his instincts, experience and foresight to rely on to take vital decisions in small time frame.

    Third, Mahatma was a God-fearing man. He jumped into the freedom struggle to free INDIANS not merely India. He would have been highly displeased if he would see todays condition of india because though india is free, indians have deteriorated. We are miles away from his dream of Indian.
    I am satisfied that even Bhagat Singh would not have been satisfied to see today's plight. But then he was a communist and a non-believer. He might have very well taken the path of naxalism.
    The point is that there is a difference between radical thinking and subtle understanding. While radicalism can drive a person to do great things, it cannot move masses and transform them. What subtle understanding gives is this power of transforming people, masses at large.

    Both leaders made unimaginable sacrifices and there dedication and patriotism is unfathomable but what differentiates them is the values that they stood for, dreams they weaved and results they produced.

    I can guess some points of your opposition to Mahatma but i will comment after u put them forth.
