Thursday, March 25, 2010


" We, the people of India......give to ourselves this constitution". 

The 'Preamble' is the soul of the constitution. It shows the spirit
with which the makers have framed the constitution. 60 years have
passed and yet we are still struggling to imbibe this noble spirit in
our society. How many of us do really know our constitution? Can we
play cricket, soccer or any other game without knowing the rules which
govern them? Then how are we staying in this country without knowing
the rules of this land i.e constitution ? If in the former case, some
one cheats, we know it and we protest but the same doesn't happen in
the latter case. Why? simple. we ourselves don't know the rules!!!

Maharashtra Govt. decided not to issue driving licenses to taxi
drivers who cannot speak marathi. Though they repealed it later.
Every other day we find the 'scion' of marathi manoos Raj Thackray
threatening to destroy the livelihoods of people from north India.
The grand old Tiger Bala saheb threatens to tear down the posters of
King Khan's movie because he expressed his desire to include a
Pakistani in his IPL team.
Article 19 provides the fundamental right of Freedom of speech and
expression. Is this what freedom is all about? The Article also
provides for the freedom to settle in any part of the country. Who
gave right to Raj Thackray to violate this Fundamental Right of the

Every other day the Telangana JAC declares a Bandh. Osmania
Universitty has become a political theatre. Destruction of public
property has become the norm of the day. No one speaks of the
alternative solution. All are stuck their own demands. The appointment
of Sri Krishna commission has brought more unrest, for its terms of
reference (ToR) were not acceptable.
Unfortunately in our constitution, Fundamental rights (Art 12 - 35)
are enforceable in high courts or supreme court but Fundamental duties
(Art 51 A) are not. i.e if someone's right is violated he/she can
approach a HC or SC for justice but the same cant be done w.r.t
duties. No one can be punished for violating Fundamental Duties.
Rights always must be coequal to the duties. thats why people today
fight for their rights but no one speaks when duties are not
performed. Duties include not destroying public property, respecting
constitution and so on.

West Midnapur dist. (W.B)
Maoists killed 24 policemen and looted arms. Maoists and naxals are
having it their way in pressurising the system. From Bihar to A.P, the
whole of eastern India is infested with maoists and naxals.
Naxalism and Maoism are not Law and order problem but Socio-Economic
problem. But unfortunately they have being dealt as a L&O problem by
the govt. till now with a zero success. Restoring L&O is essential but
Socio - economic development alone can be the sustainable solution.

Jammu & Kashmir
The mistrust between the Jawans and the civilians is ever widening
with every other day a youth being killed followed by protests.
Muslims are in a very peculiar situation with the Indian Army looking
down at them as potential anti social elements. This growing mistrust
and cross border terrorism and insurgency seems to rack all the
brightest brains in the north block (Min. of Home Affairs) and south
block (Min. of External Affairs) but again with little success.

As a whole we are facing problems like price rise, inflation, farmer
suicides, irresponsive governance, illiteracy, malnutrition, poverty,
climate change, corruption and the list goes on...

I do not know when we would be able to clean up all the mess we have
created, but the onus lies for sure on us and us alone. Do not be
under an impression that some day some one from some where will come
and do it. All these Acts, Articles, Laws, Ordinances, Schemes are of
no use if there is no will to implement them.

Therefore to be a part of this cleaning program we must be equipped
with necessary skills and will power. We cannot stay in our cocoons
safe and happy. "Thinnama, Padukunnama, Tellarinda" (Khaana, Peena, Sona) cannot be
our motto of life. Knowledge or awareness about the problems and their intricacies backed
by our knowledge about the constitution is extremely essential to weed
out the rotten elements from our society. We need Leaders and not

Recently I was travelling in a city bus when i sensed the smell of a
cigarette. Ignoring it to be coming from outside I stayed on. As the
smell became stronger I stood up to check if some one inside the bus
was smoking. As expected i found one person doing it. I  was little
scared to tell him as he was huge. But bucking up courage, I told him
firmly to throw it off as its not allowed inside the bus. He shouted
at me saying "I know it...u need not tell me." I again insisted by
saying "If u know it then better do it". He got scared. He spoke
softly saying he was getting vomiting sensation. When i insisted again
he threw it off.

All the while, none in the bus came to support me.
They all knew about this guy's smoking but none of them spoke.
FEAR is all around the place. People are afraid to stand up against
injustice not knowing that the culprit is more scared than us. He may
be a politician, businessman or popper. They all have fear. Its when
we don't stand up against them that they appear to us to be strong. Be
Brave to stand up against injustice and you will be surprised that you
have won the battle.

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