Thursday, March 25, 2010

Divided we stand, United we fall...

Historically India was never united territorially. The struggle for
annexation and conquering of lands has existed from medieval times.
The various kingdoms which ruled in the present Indian territory range
from Mughals, Marathas, Kanishkas, Satavahanas, Guptas, Mauryas,
Magadhas, Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas, Pallavas and the list goes on. The
very extent of the number of kingdoms speaks volumes about the
disunity among the Indian rulers. 

In the modern Indian history we had Portuguese, Dutch, French and the
British who ruled us separately for over 400 years. They ruled us not
because they were strong, but because we were weak to rule ourselves.
There was widespread communal disparity among the Hindus and Muslims.
British took advantage of this and played Hindus against Muslims and
vice versa. Thus they could exploit us for over 100 years.

After the Independence, under the able guidance of The Iron Man of
India, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, 565 princely states were united to form
The Republic of India. Thus India is basically a 'Union' of States.
USA on the other hand is 'United States' of America.The difference
lies in the formation of USA and India. USA was formed by a mutual
treaty signed by the various states to stay together as a nation
(similar to present day European Union) as compared to India which was
carved out of a forceful union of various states. Thus the conflict
regarding separate states does not arise in USA as in India.

USA was the first the federal nation. It gives complete autonomy to
its states with regards to governance and other activities. each state
in USA has a separate Supreme court and overall they have a Federal
court. Taxes are also levied and collected by both states and the
union equally unlike in India where different taxes fall under State,
Central or concurrent list. Thus India is a Quasi Federal State.

There is a difference between Federalism and Decentralisation. Decentralisation of powers means Panchayati
Raj Institutions and Federal character means various states
unified to form a nation but retain autonomy to some extent.
In decentralisation, decision making powers are transferred to the
third tier of the state i.e PRIs.  Separation of states will lead to
increase in administrative costs and the powers will still remain at
the top. Therefore it is not separation of states but decentralisation
of powers, within the same state, which is required to develop a
backward region.

The present political crisis in AP is just struggle for power rather
than upliftment of the downtrodden. It is very sad that even the
educated youth of our country are being easily dragged into this
situation and are being used as potential human weapons of mass
destruction for the selfish vested interests of a few politicians.
The solution for the present turmoil lies in understanding the facts
and truth rather than being carried away by emotional slogans based on
regionalism. The law and order needs to be restored as early as
possible and there is a need for all politicians to come on a same
table and discuss the issue in a room rather than taking it to the
streets, to find an amicable solution.

The main hindrance in implementing the 73rd and 74th amendments is the political interests
of a few people. The onus lies with the citizens and the beneficiaries
to make sure that these are implemented thus empowering the lower
rungs of democracy.

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